

David Bowie was born David Robert Jones on January 8, 1947 in Brixton, London and was an English singer, songwriter, musician, actor, pop legend and cultural icon. David Bowie began his showbiz career in 1962 when he formed his first band the Konrads at the age of 15, and made his way through a handful of other outfits; Davie Jones with the King Bees, Manish Boys, Lower Third, the Buzz and Riot Squad, before embarking on a solo career (after deciding against a life of mime), and finally enjoying chart success with Space Oddity in 1969. David Bowie eventually began to turn pop on its head with his intergalactic pansexual chameleonic ways, blowing everybody’s minds when he put his arm around his guitarist Mick Ronson on Top of the Pops, painting a gold circle on his head and pretending to be an alien and came laden with a string of highly influential songs, albums and looks throughout the 1970s and 80s. David Bowie also enjoyed success as an actor in films such as Man Who Fell To Earth, Labyrinth, Elephant Man and The Hunger. David Bowie has had 11 UK Official Album Chart Number 1s including Aladdin Sane, Diamond Dogs, Scary Monsters and Super Creeps and The Next Day, and five UK Official Singles Chart Number 1s including Ashes to Ashes and Let’s Dance, and in collaborations with Queen (Under Pressure) and Mick Jagger (Dancing In The Street). David Bowie has won a host of awards, including three BRIT Awards, Best British Male Artist in 1984, 2014 and 2017, and British Album for Blackstar. David Bowie died from liver cancer on January 10, 2016 two days after his 69th birthday and the release of the album Blackstar.

DAVID BOWIE Songs stats

UK No1s
UK Top 10s
UK Top 40s
UK Top 75s
Weeks at No1
Weeks in the Top 10
Weeks in the Top 40
Weeks in the Top 75

DAVID BOWIE Albums stats

UK No1s
UK Top 10s
UK Top 40s
UK Top 75s
Weeks at No1
Weeks in the Top 10
Weeks in the Top 40
Weeks in the Top 75


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Elvis was a just singer who cherry picked all the best songs,that hopefulls were keen for him to record,which would give them a meal ticket for life.he wasn't an innovator in terms of creativity he left the world sod all but his voice.The Beatles dished up trite and unobtrusive material in the beginning to millions of screaming girls who bought all their stuff in truck loads no matter what,giving them guaranteed no 1s(BEATLEMANIA).Bowies dalliance with the commercial side (Lets dance et al)gave him the massive sellers but the worst material he as ever recorded,he was just too articulate for the teen market soaking up the fluff of radio 1.Charts are meaningless a result of DJs taking the cash for spoon feeding the masses.(Payola).Queens jubilee June 1977 biggest selling single of the week GOD SAVE THE QUEEN- PISTOLS,chart position 2 now work that one out chart disciples.


Edward Solly


Yeh...and if it was not for Bowie the Pistols would never had a chance mate....but I do take your point about God Save the Queen....




And a lot of other acts too,the point I was putting across was pro Bowie...his chart positions are irrelevant comparing to him other acts by chart positions is pojntless,no ones output comes close to Bowies


Brian Quinn


Bowie is the 9th most successful artist on the UK Chart Act list.




For all the hype, he only had five UK number one singles and the last one was about thirty years ago. Nobody can criticise his PR machine! I just listened to a bit of 'Let's Dance'; absolute shist.


Robert Manley


Bowie has 9 number 1 albums and 20 top 5 albums according to billboard. He's an album guy.


Robert Manley


Another thing, Bowie fans don't care if you like his music or not. It doesn't matter to us. He is one of the most legendary songwriters of all time and influenced millions of people, but not everybody is going to like his stuff. That's just not how life works.




It doesn't work that way. A legendary songwriter's songs would be everywhere. With a few exceptions, Bowie's just aren't.
I think he was a good popstar and song writer and a legendary self promoter.




If you read this, he did loads of stuff but had very few number one albums before his death. I haven't tried to analyse it but he was no Beatles, Stones or Elvis.



Robert Manley


I wouldn't compare everybody to the Beatles or Elvis. That's not realistic. He is more on par with Cash, Dylan, or Sting. When was Dylan's last number one? Does that mean he sold zero records or didn't have an impact on the cultural fabric of society? To have 9 number one albums means people buy your records. In contrast, there are people who have number one hits and weak tours and low album sales and go off into obscurity because you didn't really move anybody. To have more than 2 number one singles is pretty incredible. To have 9 number one albums spread over many decades is more impressive.


Robert Manley


To clarify about the 9 number 1 albums. All I did was use this exact link and look up studio albums. He had 9 number 1 albums in the UK. 20 top five albums. This was pre-death as indicated by the date released. It doesn't count the post-death interest in his life and legacy. I didn't count compilation or live albums.


Robert Manley


Dylan had 8 number one UK albums as a good comparison.




Elvis did very little really...bit of rock n roll. Influence yes but limited output. To Con.....lets dance was big selling but NOT what Bowie is about. Thats the point...big selling isnt necessarily good. Bowie is far more than x factor etc rubbish. Figure it out, twit.




Also, Let's Dance is neither his best nor his most influential album.


Anthony Holland


This site has stated that even before Bowie's death, 'Blackstar' was on track to enter the chart at number 1, so I would give him the credit of all 10 number 1 albums.




Bowie was an album artist who didn't occupy a mainstream space for the most part.

When he consciously decided he needed 'hits' due to his financial plight at the end of the '70s, he had Ashes to Ashes (#1, 1980), Under Pressure (w/ Queen, #1, 1981), Let's Dance (#1, 1983) and Dancing in the Street (w/ Mick Jagger, #1, 1985, albeit for charity) He also had many other top 10 and 20 hits throughout the 70s and 80s as a matter of course.

Of course, the 80s left him deeply dissatisfied creatively and he turned his back on pop. It's an achievement in itself that he slowly brought himself back from the brink critically and gained favour again with several of his subsequent albums (namely Outside, Heathen, Reality, The Next Day and Blackstar).




I'm sure his fans thought he was wonderful as fans do. Apart from a few well known songs I really could not see what all fuss was about.
He was fantastic at self promotion, but otherwise a case of the emperor's new clothes for me.
I've also searched in vain to find any of his 'artistic work'. Other than a couple of paintings that look like they were done by a person that can't paint, my search has been in vain.


Simon J. Croft


I think that's 'Artistic work' as in audio work, not visual. Objectively, Bowie is one of the most enduring and successful chart acts of all time. This doesn't mean you have to like him, but it's evident that he's had a huge influence. Bowie's work isn't always mainstream, but you can be assured that to those who love music, he usually has a place of at least respect. Of course it shouldn't just be about commercial success, but if you want to judge him on that, he was no failure. Incidentally, five No.1 singles and ten No.1 albums is fifteen more than most people ever achieve (from 1973 to 2016). Ziggy Stardust alone sold 7.5 million copies. SOMEBODY has been listening to him over the years. ;-) :-D




I don't disagree with any of that. The hoop la suggests a much bigger star than he was.
Viewed strctly in terms of net wealth he trails Rod Stewart and Elton John and is way way behind the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and of course, Elvis.


Simon J. Croft


But that’s the point, I suppose; he IS a big star, and
you can’t just judge that by ‘net wealth’ (which for Bowie, would still be considerable). Bowie’s latter day albums have not been deliberately commercial, perhaps, but have still sold very well, and his appeal is often to the younger music buyer as much as the old. He matters to music fans of all ages, where other long established stars do not. You can’t say that of Rod Stewart or Elton John, who haven’t pursued new creative avenues, and whose influence waned a long time ago. Bowie has twice set the record for the most weeks on chart in a single year and he has sold 140 million recordings over his career. That’s a huge amount. It’s almost as if you can’t recognise this, and are hung up on seeing him as footnote in pop history. He really does deserve the ‘hoop-la’ surrounding his death. That reaction
should tell you what you need to know. He was one of the faces who pushed popular music forward, instead of just doing the same old thing over and over again., That’s why, in that sense, he matters more than a Elton or a Rod (and I’m not putting their achievements down, but Bowie is a glorious exception, and that is why his death has been mourned so much) ...and he is among the top 25 best selling artists of ALL TIME. What more did the man need to do?




The hoopla suggests someone far bigger than 'one of the top 25', that's all.
A large element of emperor's new clothes here, much to do with the ambiguous sexuality which was a big deal in his day but not now.
I searched in vain for examples of his artwork and basically drew a blank. I don't think he could paint or draw.
I don't think he was much of a composer or singer either but that's just me. I don't like Mahler having once had to sit through one of his excrutiating works of musical 'art'. Music for the brain dead, but many people like him I guess.
Vive la difference etc.


Simon J. Croft


Bowie wasn't known as a visual artist though; I thought we'd cleared that up. So looking for examples of his paintings and drawings is going to be a bit futile, as it wasn't what he was known for, or did. Also, the fact that he was one of the 'top 25' is exactly why he's going to get this attention following his death, because practically every other artist isn't as big, whatever your personal feelings about his body of work, spanning fifty years. Describing Mahler as 'music for the brain dead' is a bit much though, as there's a suggestion you're relating that to your feelings for Bowie, unless I've taken that the wrong way. Obviously Bowie was a very cerebral artist, which shows in much of his recordings. Not 'The Laughing Gnome' though, granted. :-D But yes, we can't all like the same thing, but objectively your perception of Bowie's success and influence is a bit unrealistic.But I do respect your personal feelings and reaction to his music.


Jacob Haver


We get it, you don't care for Bowie. That does not detract from his massive success and thirty or so albums, of which eleven are UK number ones, and five of which are in the Rolling Stone's 500 greatest albums list. And I read somewhere in here when you tried to downplay his 5 UK number one singles, you know how many of those Led Zeppelin has? Zero.


Jacob Haver


Also, you tried to compare Bowie's success to that of Elton John. Elton John has released quite a few more albums than Bowie, and in total he has 7 UK number one albums, to Bowie's 11.




I just don't think Bowie was as big a deal as the hype suggests, that's all. He did some good stuff as did countless others. It's the adrogenous thing that attracts all the publicity.
He made about £100 million. That puts him below Elton John, Rod Stewart, Queen, The Stones, Paul McCartney etc etc. He's about number ten.


Jacob Haver


Basing success and talent off of net worth, that is a fallacy. I guess that makes Madonna better than all of those you listed, she's worth $800 million, and only became a singer after seeing David Bowie live.




Bigger money = bigger deal. I think Madonna achieved her zenith 30 years ago but clearly others disagree.
I wouldn't buy the hoopla around most pop acts. I just think the Bowie hype is out of proportion to his meagre collection of so so songs.




So you are saying five no1s are not a big deal? Your points are deeply flawed. As for your opinion on lets dance, i would like to suggest you some other fascinating musicians such as justin bieber that seem to be a better match to your sophisticated taste




My opinion is not deeply flawed, it is my opinion. The post you are replying to is 2 years old, how many Bowie tracks are widely used today? Answer is none. He was a niche singer and self promoting exhibitionist. Bieber is candy floss for teens and will disappear without trace.




You know what you are saying makes completely no sense right?Please go troll somewhere else




Makes perfect sense to non weirdos mate.




Mate David is one of the best singers/songwriters of all time . Deal with it. Dont like him (I guess) but please check your facts.Bowie rocks and you can do nothing about it :)




He had a good time once, but is now forgotten. stuff rarely has staying power. But hey, play some of his tracks and imagine it's 1980 again. And that Blackstar album, what utter shyte, particularly the Lazarus vomit. But don't let me spoil it for you - he's already done that. LOL.


Noel Campbell


Bowie IS after Elvis the most covered artist of all time. You are so ignorant of facts. And Bowie wrote most of his own songs.


Noel Campbell


Ha ha Ha net wealth. are you American by any chance. You are really a poisonous troll I can see that now.


Noel Campbell


that is exactly what he is. A vile troll. I could respect him more if he knew his facts. he suggest one mention his OPINIONS are based on facts e.g. Bowies net wealth and album sales. And if Bowie is just a good self promoter then he wasn't very good at it. one of the reasons Bowie was named most iconic entertainer in UK. Comparing Rod Stewart in the same category as Bowie is laughable. Bowie exhibition IS sold over 1 million tickets THE most successful V&A exhibition of all time Facts are not OPINIONS. Bowie now with over a billion sales streams etc on Spotify alone. Of course that is just me opinion


Noel Campbell


well said. This guy is a troll a keyboard warrior. let him be to listen to Rod Stewart.




Boy you girls get very emotional about the poser Bowie. I thought he was over rated just to clear that up.




Dry eyes, blow nose, wipe , pull knickers up.


Lancashire Anglo-Saxon


That is the most nonsensical statement I've ever read on here, Elvis Presley never wrote a note in his life so was never covered by anyone ever, And are you seriously expecting anyone to believe more people covered David Bowie tunes than those of The Beatles, No the first statement is clearly mad - the second you just made up for some strange reason.


Dominic D'Maestro


Excellent job Major Tom! We'll Take Over From Here! Thank You for Your Service to Mankind! Now RIP Old Boy and let us know what adventures await us in the Universe.

You will be missed, but your memory and work will live on forever.

As apropos as he was in life, he will be in passing...

Look at what the love of one man can make crowds do...

Fans mark David Bowie's passing with Brixton singalong
